Sunday, February 1, 2015

We're 9 Months Old!!

It's been a while since I last posted! Sorry! In case you missed the 8 month post (I did it late and didn't share on Facebook) you can read it here. We've had a busy month. I'm sure no one is surprised! This month we had 1 hospitalization, we all got our first stomach virus (mom too), and we started spoon feeding, we stopped oxygen (Finally! Yay!), and we really made some big strides developmentally!

Ok so I'll try to keep this organized instead of my normal rambling. Let me know how I do.

Back in the Hospital: We ended up back in the hospital. Again. And it was Mason. Again. He caught some type of virus again and needed breathing treatments and suction that we can't do at home. He also needed supplemental oxygen at night. So we stayed 3 nights this time. Mason was great and he caught up on his reading.

And  he got his first card from a girl! 3 girls in fact! Thanks Sophie, Harper, and Bristol! They're our triplet girlfriends. They're identical and soooo cute! And super thoughtful too obviously.

First Spoon Feeds:
That's right. We eat by spoon now! Even though they boys are 9 months old, we are just now starting spoon feeding (at 6 months adjusted). BUT we started cereal at 8 months/5 adjusted. The weren't huge fans! Here's their first time (before pics).


They've gotten better. But not before this happened:
Mason - The Next Gerber Baby! Ha!
Now we have a new fancier way of eating - at our Triplet Table! Thanks Grandad!

They still aren't fans of cereal. Well, except James. James LOVES cereal!

Now that the boys are 9 months/6 adjusted, we are FINALLY starting veggies! So far we've tried sweet potatoes and they love them! Next up - carrots (I think?)

Ok what's next . . . ?

Monthly update time! 

First, monthly stats:
Mason: 14 lbs. 5 oz. (2.8% for adjusted age) and 24.8 inches tall (short)
Logan: 13 lbs. 3.5 oz. (0.4% for adjusted age) and 24.4 inches tall (really short)
James: 14 lbs. 15 oz. (6.4% for adjusted age) and 25.5 inches tall (a little taller but still short)

Ok here's what everyone is up to! We just went to the newborn clinic on Friday so we have new info! And we have pictures. Lots and lots of pictures!


Mason has been sick but he's a super happy boy! He's so smiley! And super laid back most of the time! He's not the biggest anymore either (in case you didn't read the numbers closely, James has passed him).

What has Mason been up to this month?
Babbling! Mason says dada now! I'm pretty sure he's really saying adadada though so he isn't saying dada before mama. Right? That's what I'm telling myself.
Lots of smiling and cooing!
Mason isn't rolling but he's starting to do more. He will jump in the jumper and use his legs to move back and forth so he's making progress! 

Mason was referred to a pulmonologist after his last hospital stay. He has chronic lung disease, which basically means he is more susceptible to getting sick and ending up in the hospital. (Logan has this too and probably worse but he's stayed out of the hospital luckily). We already had an appointment for Logan so Mason got in really soon. The pulmonologist did a chest x-ray and ran some tests. His x-ray wasn't great (showed some atelectasis, or collapsed areas of the lungs) but the blood tests showed that he's doing ok. We are doing a daily inhaler now so hopefully that will help!

We saw Dr. Peeples again in the newborn clinic on Friday. Mason is doing well. But he's not growing as well as they want. Basically it's ok that they boys are at the bottom of the growth chart as long as they stay on their own growth curves. Mason has "fallen off" his curve some. So we are going up to 26 calories per ounce on the formula to hopefully help him gain weight. And we're starting weight checks now. Grow Mason grow!! 

Pictures of Mason from the past month!

Not sure about tummy time

Mason LOVES this seat!
Hanging out with Mommy in the Ergo

Lawyering with Mommy

Logan is a mess. That's the best way to describe him. Ha! I call him my tiny dancer. Logan is usually happy but he has a BIG attitude!

What's Logan been up to?
Rolling! Lots and lots of rolling! He sleeps on his belly about half the time now.
He rolled all the way from the playmat to here!
Babbling. He doesn't say words yet but he is always making noise! 
Spitting. Logan loves to blow raspberries ALL THE TIME!

Teething. At least I think he's teething. No teeth but lots of drool.
Breathing on his own. All the time! Yay Logan!!
Logan doesn't smile often but it's so cute when he does! He started scrunching his nose when he smiles and it's the cutest thing I've ever seen! You can see it in his 9 month picture above.

Logan also went to the pulmonologist this month. We scheduled this appointment months ago. Dr. Peeples thought he could benefit from pulmonology following him because he has chronic lung disease too and he has needed oxygen for so long. The pulmonologist gave us the ok to stop oxygen at night. (If you remember, Dr. Peeples gave us the go-ahead to stop oxygen in December. But we didn't ever stop at night because all 3 boys got colds then Logan just wasn't quite ready.)  So we stopped oxygen at night last Wednesday. He's still on the pulse ox monitor. It still goes off some but he really only desats 1-2 times per night and he comes back up on his own. We've put his oxygen back on a few times but he's doing really well overall!

Logan got a good report in newborn clinic this week! He's doing great. But he's also not growing as well as he should be so we're going up to 26 calories per ounce on his formula too. We decided to go up on calories rather than volume because we're already giving 8 ounce bottles. Mason and Logan get 3 bottles a day and nurse 1 time a day (yes we're still going strong!)

Pictures of Logan:

 I found my feet!
Playing with the best big sister ever!
Jumping! Dad calls this my spaceship!

James is the biggest again! He's a mama's boy (and a daddy's boy too). He wants one of us holding him at all times! He's also a big flirt! James is definitely the most advanced for gross motor skills!

What's James up to?
Jumping. James loves to jump! He gets so excited when he's in the jumper! 
Talking. James finally found his voice and he babbles all the time now! So cute! His favorite sound is still the white noise sound though. I can tell when James is awake because I hear the white noise sound over the monitor! Ha!
Smiling. James is always smiling. And he smiles with his entire face and his eyes!
James has also started reaching to be picked up!

James didn't go to the pulmonologist. His lungs aren't as sick as his brothers because he wasn't intubated as long in the NICU. Yay James! James got a great report from Dr. Peeples. He's growing well and he's actually moving up on his growth curve. Yay! We were a little worried because James projectile vomits his entire bottle every 2-3 nights (on Brian 99% of the time luckily). Apparently he's getting enough though. James also loves to eat by spoon! I can't feed him fast enough! I hope this continues!

Some pictures of James:

We also got developmental screenings at the newborn clinic. Basically a physical therapist came and evaluated all 3 boys for gross motor, fine motor, and vision (I think?). They did exactly how I expected. All 3 boys tested at 7 months for fine motor. For gross motor James tested at 7 months, Logan 6 months, and Mason 4 months. They are 6 months adjusted so this is on track. Mason tested low because he isn't rolling over yet. But his physical therapist at school is a friend of mine and she isn't worried about him so I'm not worried either. He's been sick and that has set him back. He'll get it!

And I'll end with some funny pictures. I was in the kitchen one evening and I heard a commotion in the living room. James was on the play mat playing with the play gym and I looked over and saw this:

I ran over to him because I thought he's be upset. Well I was wrong. He thought it was hilarious. I'm not really sure how he managed to knock it over on but here's the rest of what happened. They're blurry because James wouldn't be still!

Ok sorry for the long post! I need to stay on top of my posts better this month! I have lots of things to post still! Coming up - My Favorite Things and The Triplet Baptism!

And of course a few more pictures and an outtake:

At the doctor
Nap time in Babyland!
James and Mason
James and Mason
James and Mason again
Mason eating the 9 month sticker

1 comment:

Eve said...

That picture of Mason reading in the hospital is so precious! Well, all of the pics are really cute. I love keeping up with your boys. My baby is Almost 7 months, so they are doing a lot of the same things. You make taking care of them seem so easy, but I know it must be tough. Keep up the good work, Brian and Angela! :)